Monday, January 25, 2010

Marvel Talent 2009

As I mentioned over on Twitter, I've been in the process of figuring out just how many new freelancers were hired by Marvel in 2009. So after looking over various spreadsheets and data, and culling down lists of talent we've started working with in the last 12 months, I've calculated, albeit in no real exact scientific or mathematical way, that Marvel's editorial/publishing arm hired 144 new freelancers in 2009! That high number surprised even me, to be honest. Not bad for being in a recession, eh? Looking at that number more specifically in terms of artistic disciplines, here how it further breaks down...

Writers - 24
Pencilers and/or penciler/inkers - 81 (Provide non-color line art)
Digital painters - 13 (Provide complete artwork from sketch to color, covers and/or interiors)
Inkers - 8
Colorists - 15 (Provide color only over line art)
Letterers - 3

A few other quick observations just looking over the list...

- 18 of these talents were women.
- It struck me the number of writers from the previous year when we were publishing Marvel Comics Presents and the Unlimited line of anthologies.
- The increasing number of pencilers who have started to ink themselves lead to a fall in the number of dedicated inkers we hired as well.
- Geographically speaking, the largest percentage of talent came from the U.S., followed by Italy, Spain and South America.
- These numbers reflect what I'll call "first-time talent" who had never been published by Marvel before. I took out any talent who had returned to Marvel after a long period of time after working in other industries or at other companies, and also removed artists who left studio systems and came to work for us directly, of which there were quite a few.

And I'd like to publicly thank Angie Nunez and Alex Morales at Marvel for their help in getting me all the freelancer data to review. I couldn't have done this without them.


Rick Jones said...

Wow, that much ?
That's great !

Anonymous said...

I would be curious to know if any of these came from Australia, or if the roadshow will be coming down this way any time in the near future?


Zephyr -- a superhero webcomic in prose

Emsie said...

Woooot! ^_^ Keep up the awesome work, Marvel (and C.B!). It's great to see figures like this. I'd love to see figures from a few other major publishers too - it makes me feel so positive for the evolution of the industry.

Sean T. Collins said...

How did Strange Tales factor into this, CB?

Adam Freeman said...

I think I am one of those new freelancers!

Brant W. Fowler said...

That's pretty awesome, I didn't realize Marvel had hired that many new faces.

I noticed one of my fellow letterers, Jeff Powell has been getting some Marvel work recently, I wonder if he was one of those hired. Wish I was. heh. One day.

Jeremy Colwell said...

Very good news, CB. Glad to hear so many are getting the opportunity to prove themselves and (often) fulfill that life long dream of working for Marvel.

Liz Argall said...

Thanks for the statistics. Numbers are delicious.

WanderingSteve said...

Only 18 out of the 144 were women?
Granted, I'm sure there were more submissions by women who didn't make the cut, but that's still a depressingly low amount. Hopefully as more comic-book movies/tv shows enter the mainstream, as well as the "Twilight" manga, Marvel's Girls Comics, and other efforts, more women will take an interest in the industry.

Me said...

C.B., Is there anywhere/anyway it's possible to send someone a script as a writer from South Africa? Marvel doesn't tend to do roadshows down here all that often :(

Martin Conaghan said...

How many Brits among those CB?

ericoassis said...


How many Brazilians in there (they all became "South-Americans"...)?

Brad said...

I'm wondering if anyone can help me? I'm trying to break into Marvel. I'm hoping to send samples over to a Talent Coordinator but I need e-mail adresses. I don't have the luxury of visiting conventions etc.

Can anyone help or guide me in the right direction?


Roman said...

This is actually very inspiring. I'm a writer and working hard--I know I have a while before I probably break in, but 24 writers are much more than I thought would be hired. I was guessing something near 10.

capamerica23 said...

Hey C.B. i just picked up the latest issue of breaking into comics the marvel way and i immediately jumped online to find out more. I am a 25 year old aspiring comic book artist. It has been my dream since i can remember. I have never had any formal training i have just been practicing my whole life. I sure you have a very busy schedule but if there is any way you can inform me on an upcoming talent search, or any information at all so i can show you what i got it would in all meaning of the term mean the world to me. If you want to contact me my e-mail address is I dont know if this will ever get to you but if it does thank you so much for your time. Keep up the good work. Joe H.

capamerica23 said...

Hey C.B. i just picked up the latest issue of breaking into comics the marvel way and i immediately jumped online to find out more. I am a 25 year old aspiring comic book artist. It has been my dream since i can remember. I have never had any formal training i have just been practicing my whole life. I sure you have a very busy schedule but if there is any way you can inform me on an upcoming talent search, or any information at all so i can show you what i got it would in all meaning of the term mean the world to me. If you want to contact me my e-mail address is I dont know if this will ever get to you but if it does thank you so much for your time. Keep up the good work. Joe H.

capamerica23 said...

Hey C.B. i just picked up the latest issue of breaking into comics the marvel way and i immediately jumped online to find out more. I am a 25 year old aspiring comic book artist. It has been my dream since i can remember. I have never had any formal training i have just been practicing my whole life. I sure you have a very busy schedule but if there is any way you can inform me on an upcoming talent search, or any information at all so i can show you what i got it would in all meaning of the term mean the world to me. If you want to contact me my e-mail address is I dont know if this will ever get to you but if it does thank you so much for your time. Keep up the good work. Joe H.

capamerica23 said...

have no clue why that posted 3 times? sorry.

Francesco Conte said...

Hey name is Francesco Conte, and a few years I deal with illustration and comic. I write because I like to work with the publisher for any publishing project. If you are interested and for a deeper vision of my work and visit the following sites:

Thank you

antonio said...

Dear Cebulski!

I am a comic book artist and illustrator from Mexico and my name is Jesús Antonio, I will try to be brief as possible knowing you are a busy man and I will let the work speak for myself in the links.

I want to ask you for you kind permit to keep in touch and ask you for some sample writings in case you want to see some more sequential work down the road.

Hugs and thank you so much for reading my mail.

At your disposal!


Marvision said...

Wow, good stuff. I think once I finish at least my third book under my belt I'll work on my portfolio and showcase my best work to Marvel ;). Looking forward to seeing you guys at Fan Expo this year.

Hillman Arts said...

My name is David Hillman and i'm a Illustrator living and working in NYC.
A well established comicbook artist saw my samples pages recently and ask me why I was not working in comics yet.
His advise to me was if I wanted to show my work to someone at Marvel you would be the first person I should contact.
I would like to know what is your policy regarding reviewing work on line or since I am in the city would it be at all possible to arrange an appointment with you.

Thank you for your time
David Hillman

Anonymous said...

what talent dude, just look the names in the list all that people know what is they work and business, they sell quality 100%, my favorite comic was the saga of viagra online, this comic sold out in only one day.

Liko said...

Was there anyone from the Dominican Republic or am I going to be the first Dominican working for MARVEL?
Because I will. Trust on that! :)

Digger said...

CB is now in Milan Italy looking to replace all 144 freelancers :}

**.4OKi21** said...
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Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving posts and articles were very amazing. I really liked as a part of the article. With a nice and interesting topics. Has helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know. You need more publicize this because many people. Who know about it very few people know this. Success for you....!!!

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مؤسسة البناء و التشييد للمقاولات العامة و اعمال الغاز said...
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