Sunday, March 05, 2006

On Sale This Week, 3/8

Me. Finch. Spider-Man. Black Cat. Doom.


Scott Sackett said...

Great story C.B.! It nice to seen your work in such a wide varity of projects so soon and not just be 'manga-guy.'

C.B. Cebulski said...

Thanks, Scott! I appreciate you picking up the book and am glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Shannon said...

My shop was sold out by the time I got there on Wednesday! (Yes, I forgot to pre-order this, shame on me for that) Thankfully, I'm able to get a copy either this weekend or next week. :)

C.B. Cebulski said...

While I'm happy to hear it's selling out, I'm sorry you missed it, Shannon. Hopefully you can get a copy somewhere else. I got word earlier that the issue has indeed sold out. Re-orders were heavy and Diamond actually sold out on the day of release!