A friend of mine was cleaning off her camera phone yesterday and sent me this pic, which I may have talked about but don't think I've ever posted an image of. My friend John Paretti's awesome wife hand-knitted me this incredible R2-D2 hat this past winter. I love how it's really subtle in its design, where if you didn't know, you might not even realize it's R2's head on mine.

Think it will clash with my Boba Fett hoodie?
Update: The hat was knitted for me by Sarah Paretti who you can follow on Twitter at http://twitter.com/sairyknits, and to download the pattern, please visit Carissa Knits.
Aww I'm so glad you like it CB :) Glad it fits too!!!
- Paretti's Wife
Possibly the best beanie hat I have EVAR seen. *applause*
Gah! my buddy josh just got one of those! Hey C.B., When you get a chance check out my comic at-
I write draw and paint the book.
Are you hitting the Windy City Con this year?
You are officially "cool".
That is really awesome CB
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