Thursday, December 29, 2005

Snow Day!

So I'll go back in time a little bit now to last week and update you all with some pics...

We brought the weather from New York with us this year, as the day after we got here, Kobe had its worst snowfall in something like 15 years. I know I'd never seen it this bad. Granted, it was only like 3 or 4 inches, but in a city where it practically never snows, and never this much, that spells disaster as they have no idea what to do.

Thinking nothing of it, Mutsumi and I headed out to go downtown to buy my Shinkansen tickets and do some shopping. Only we got to the station to find the trains had stopped running due to the inclement weather.

I was not happy standing on the cold and windy platform waiting to see if things would start moving again soon. (Check out my stylish hat!)

But I tried my best to amuse myself...

...and the railways were soon back up and running.

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