Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Back in Blogging Action!

It starts today. Daily updates are back! I promise. I'll try and keep this blog as interesting and informative as I can (which I guess all depends on how interesting and informative you find the crap I post here) but it may just be a dumb link or picture from time to time. But there'll be something here for you to see and read on a regular basis.

Wizard World Boston was fun. The show itself was kind of slow which was just fine with me as it meant I had more time to hang out and chat with friends and do some long overdue back issue shopping. I picked up a bunch of old Marvel Fanfare issues for a buck a piece which are just awesome. Issues 34-37, featuring a Charles Vess Warriors Three story, are just amazing. Issue 34 also has a Mignola Marvel villains pin-up section in the back that kicks ass. I'm still not having any luck finding Power pack 46 though.

The con was held at the Bayside Expo Center which is outside of Boston and where there's really not much to do. So one night, instead of going into Boston, we went over to an all-night bowling alley and bowled our asses off. The evening got off to kind of a funny start though as I ripped my jeans wide open on my first toss. Took a little convincing when I got home to make Mutsumi believe it really happened at a bowling alley.

I was also able to get a lot of thinking done on the bus rides up and back and jotted down a lot of good ideas, all of which I hope will bear fruit someday. So all in all, the weekend trip, while uneventful compared to other cons, was a friendly, low-key, creative excursion that was well worth taking.

Oh, and I got to meet Elisa Dushku, the new love of my life, but I'll be posting more about that later!


CeeCee said...

O_O! Jealous!

I'm supposed to be the OTHER apple of your eye!!!

Would it make me hotter if I beat Dushku up in a swimming pool full of cherry jello in a bathing suit???

Scott Sackett said...

Okay CB, you gotta be careful. I was checking out your blog at work (Hey, it was break) and when I read the line about you splitting your jeans I about shot hot coffee out my nose. I coulda died!

Please be more careful in the future and once more this proves every mom's warning about wearing clean underwear!